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The project consortium comprises 16 partners from 10 countries. The multi-actor partnership comprises development partners, expert partners and  labour market administration organisations.

Composition, profiles and contact information:



Labour Office Dunajska Streda

UPDS is engaged in integrating the European dimension into national structures of vocational training and guidance. It has been actively involved in two LEONARDO DA VINCI pilot projects „Best Selection of Vocational Guidance Methods“ and „Soft Skills - Integration of Employment Skills into Vocational Qualification in EU Preaccession Countries“ where it has compiled training courses for personal competences for counsellors.
Role: Project promotor



BEST Institute for professional further education and personnel training Ltd., Vienna
BEST has been active for more than 15 years in labour market related guidance and qualification. Each year, some 2,000 people are being qualified in guidance or vocational education courses. The majority of them are women, particularly women returners, and a great proportion of them is being long-term unemployed.
BEST is registered partner in the European Training Village and has been certified in 1994 for ISO 9001 quality maintenance standards which will be implemented also in the project management.
As co-ordinator of the LdV project „Drehbuch”, BEST has developed a vocational guidance concept which helps young women to enter traditionally “male” professions.
 As co-ordinator of the LdV project “Best Selection of Vocational Guidance Methods”, BEST has access to Europe wide methods and strategies in this field and their approach towards gender, social and cultural aspects and will contribute these resources to the project.
As co-ordinator of the LdV project “Soft Skills – Integration of Employment Skills into Vocational Qualification in EU Preaccession Coutries”, and after several other bilateral projects between 1991 and 2001, BEST has collected considerable experience in working with people of various professional levels in former socialist countries, including their social aspects, learning approach and other factors which have to be taken into consideration for assessing gender specific approach. As co-ordinator of the LdV network GenderNet, BEST has gained considerable experience in co-ordinating larger partnerships.

Role: Project coordinator



District Labour Office Znojmo (UPZ)
is corresponding partner to the Czech National Training Fund and participates in activities to integrate European dimension into national structures of vocational training and guidance. It has been actively involved in the design of vocational qualification measures in South Bohemia and participated in two LdV pilot projects „Best Selection of Vocational Guidance Methods“ and „Soft Skills - Integration of Employment Skills into Vocational Qualification in EU Preaccession Countries“ where it has compiled training courses for personal competences for counsellors, as well as in the GenderNet network. It will be therefore a valuable partner to assess the basic skills situation in the Czech Republic and indicate requirements for adapting strategies and methods to fit the different target groups.
Role: Labour policy partner



TELEHAUS WETTER / VeFAR e.V. is a non profit association, founded in 1989. It links aims in the range of structural, employment and women’s policy. Our main issue is to improve employment for women in rural areas based equal opportunities.

TW investigates the relevance of new technologies with regard to the creation of qualified employment, the implications of new technologies on traditional occupations and the development of new vocational profiles in the field of office management and clerical work,  the odds of modern information and communication technologies with special regard to balancing familiy life and career in a better way. TW is networking pan-European and has particpated in European projects for many years.
Role: Development partner




IRFA Sud is a major institute for reintegration of people who are disadvantaged at the labour market, especially for young people and migrants from the Maghreb countries. It belongs to the Group IRFA (25.000 trainees per year) is active member in the Association Multimedia and Teletraining Languedoc-Roussillon. IRFA Sud has developed several innovatory guidance and qualification strategies which aim at equal access of women and men. The experiences from these activities are contributed to the network.
Role: Development partner


Centre Office of Labour Győr-Moso-Sopron County
District Labour Györ-Moson-Sopron is corresponding partner to the Hungarian National Training Fund and participates in activities to integrate European dimension into national structures of vocational training and guidance. It has been actively involved in the design of vocational qualification measures in West Hungary and participates in the LdV GenderNet network. It will be therefore a valuable partner to assess the basic skills situation in Hungary and indicate requirements for adapting strategies and methods to fit the different target groups.

Role: Labour policy partner 



The Centre for Education and Service of the Chamber of Commerce of the province Emilia-Romana disposes of 45 vocational centres and trains some 10,000 learners per year. It has also developed eLearning materials for several commercial studies.

Role: Development partner



Latvian Adult Education Association
(in Latvian – Latvijas Pieaugušo izglītības apvienība), LAEA, is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, which unites adult education providers in Latvia – both individuals and organisations. The aim of LAEA – to promote development of non- formal adult education systems and to participate in life-long learning policy making, thereby promoting development of a civic, democratic and open society in Latvia.

Since its establishment LAEA has gained valuable experience in organising various activities on local and national levels. LAEA has created a co-operation network of adult education providers from all towns and districts of Latvia, prepared trainers, elaborated and approved training programmes, training and methodological materials.
Role: Development partner



Peoples University Kristianstad
FOLKUNI works, for over 50 years, as foundation „Kursverksamheten vid Lunds universitet“ in the field of adult education and qualification. Its activities combine international relations, links with universities and innovatory approach. The main activities of FOLKUNI concern the training of foreign languages and of Swedish language, mainly for migrants. These courses are also being offered as distance learning courses and are combined with courses for motivation, personal competences, ICT, economy and law.
FOLKUNI will enrich the partnership because of its combined experience in working with several disadvantaged target groups. It will be able to address pedagogic issues as well as aspects of advanced strategies of equlity between women and men.

Role: Development partner  

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University Glasgow
The Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) of the University of Glasgow was founded in 1451 and is noted for its excellence in both teaching and research. As a large employer it runs an Employee Development Scheme, supports a similar scheme for a consortium of SMEs and is an active member of the Glasgow Adult Guidance Network.
DACE is the largest single higher education provider of continuing education opportunities for adults in Scotland, with over 14,000 students attending almost 1,000 courses throughout the West of Scotland. It arranges tailor-made professional development courses, offers certificates, postgraduate diplomas and degrees up to and including doctorates, in the fields of adult, community and continuing education. The Department employs a full-time guidance officer for part-time students.
The DACE Research Fellow, Dr Pamela Clayton, has been involved as Partner or Coordinator in several projects on vocational guidance/adult education, funded by the Leonardo da Vinci Programme of the European Communities. She is a member of the National Careers Research Network and has responsibility for part of its virtual platform.

Role: Expert partner



State Employment Agency of Latvia (SEA)

SEA (Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūra) is a State Agency that operates under direct supervision of the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia. The Agency was formed on 17 April 1991 and has since then developed into an organisation that consists of the Central Office, 27 local affiliates, 6 client service centres and 25 sectors throughout Latvia.

The mission of SEA is to become a bridge connecting employer and employee by means of reduction of unemployment and improvement of employment situation in Latvia.

The functions of SEA are as follows: Working with clients – employers, unemployed persons and job seekers; Improvement of normative documents; SEA capacity building; Improvement of SEA services; ESF issues; Provision of public awareness; International relations and EURES; Budget planning and control of financial expenditure. 

Role: Labour policy partner 



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European vocational education programme LEONARDO DA VINCI  Project Number SK/04/B/F/PP-177401