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Country report

This report contains an analysis of the current situation of labour office advisers and counsellors in the partners’ countries.

Special regard has been given to the different situations in the work organisation for these activities. There are various organisational models in the European countries: In some countries, there is a division between job mediator, counsellor and the person dealing with employers, in other countries these activities are not separated so clearly.

We have analysed the conditions of the labour market administrations and services: their work organisation, the profile of labour office staff (educational background, career prospects etc.), the proportion between job mediation and counselling activities etc. Our research yielded an wide variety of training programmes and their current focus, both for national job mediation activities in the various countries and for transnational activities (EURES).

The work for this report has been carried out between November 2004 and June 2005 and will serve as a basis for the elabortaion of the project’s main deliverables, i.e. the curriuculum and handbook “Better counselling and communication skills for labour office advisers and job mediators”.











European vocational education programme LEONARDO DA VINCI  Project Number SK/04/B/F/PP-177401